May's Hoard


skip blinkies This website was made by a real person just like you!

Maypop the Dragon

20 years old


More About Me

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    A programmer can never resist rewriting their code a million times… this update brings style and layout improvements, an "about me" page, and a 404 handler. I've planned exactly three articles, but I want to go ahead and release the update—imperfection now is better than perfection never!

    As for how I'm feeling: good, considering. Delusionally so! I don't know when it happened, but the Internet Archive is back! Things are awful right now, but worrying won't help anyone. Well, unless I turn that worry into action; that would help… but I'll, uh, do that another time..?

    I'll bring back licensing later. I want use different licenses for different parts. For example, I'll probably use CC BY-ND for most text, and the MIT License for my stylesheet and SVGs.